Longwood Christian Community (LCC)
Image taken by Ethan Tan
What is the vision behind LCC's Intentional Christian Living Community?
The vision of LCC is to be a place where students, clinicians, scientists, and professionals in health-related professions can live together in an intentional Christian community to become healers in Jesus’ name. We…
Grow spiritually, encourage and pray for one another (see our spiritual formation course)
Receive and offer mentorship with believers across boundaries such as age, race, marital status, and career stage
Learn how to integrate our faith with our profession, through informal conversations and regular sharing
Demonstrate hospitality to others
Share the redeeming love of Jesus with those around us
Who lives in LCC?
Students and professionals in health-related professions, their spouses, and their children live in LCC. Fields represented in LCC include medicine, dentistry, nursing, public health, biomedical research, healthcare consulting, and occupational health. Those who live in LCC are at various stages in training, ranging from recent college graduate to the professorial level.
Interested in living in LCC?
Email us to learn more or click here for an application if you are ready to initiate the discernment process. This process involves exploring a calling to follow Jesus in community and whether LCC is a good fit. There is no application deadline. Each applicant is strongly considered and invited into the community when all parties are agreed and space is available. In general spaces fill by late March for the coming year (June-May).
“My husband and I moved into LCC with our 1 year old son. He is an intern in general surgery at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital and I am writing my dissertation for my PhD in neuroscience.
Since moving into the community, our lives have been altered in so many wonderful ways. I often imagine what life would be like if we had moved into an apartment by ourselves - the word lonely‚ comes to mind. We have been blessed with a house full of encouraging friends and fellow believers. We immediately felt comfortable in the house and have grown to love each person in a unique way.
We were initially concerned about privacy issues, but have found that we are easily able to remove ourselves to our own space if we need to. We often enjoy being with others and my son and I especially love the company since daddy works long hours. Residency schedules make it difficult to attend church regularly, so the community has become our church home‚ in many ways: Sunday evening fellowship dinners, prayer meetings, and a newly formed women’s bible study are just a few of the ways our spiritual need have been met. We also have been blessed with the ability to encourage community members who are seeking to follow the Lord in dating and engaged relationships. In all, we love being a family in a community of fellow believers and imagine ourselves growing here for some time.
For more information about LCC and how to become part of this vibrant community, please use the link below.
Streetside view of the homes on Wigglesworth Ave. from Google Maps a product of Google Inc.